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Old 11-14-2008, 12:44 PM   #1
Posts: n/a
Default Obnoxious Post #1: the BUZZ & the Bees

This post is a review/question/a little bit of a poll Hybrid (that gets about 40 mpg). May the Force Be With You. Always.

Disclaimer (which shall hereon be posted on any and all of my threads so as not to confuse the reader and force them to call me or my post obnoxious if I'm not already on said reader's Ignore List - sorry, I just couldn't resist): This post may be confusing; it may wander to & fro and eventually never get to its point; this post may be entertaining, it may not, it most certainly will not cook you dinner. This post may require batteries, oil, air, other miscellaneous ingredients and artificial flavors which you most certainly won't have in your cupboard and yeast (if you want this post to rise). One 6 ounce serving of this post will provide you with 2 grams of fiber, 1 gram of fat, 260 calories, 100% of your Daily Values of Vitamins A, B & F U; it also contains Red#5 yet Phenylketonurics! it does not contain Phenylalanine.

This post will have a 'Short Version' at the bottom for those of you who just want me to get to the damn point and not beat around the bush.

Okeeeee so....for those of you who can read, er, like to read...

The other night I was havin' a nice online chat with my new buddy & Defender of the Universe (which means, Defender of me, ha!), Cigary, and I had to go because the sunset was just incredible and I became teary-eyed because sunsets always reminded me of something..... (inside joke for me...the origins of which came from that fine cult flic 'Dr. Caligari' not to be confused with the fine German flic 'The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari').

So the wife was at work and I was left waiting for the bacon so I thought nothing would be better than a smoke out on my balcony to contemplate the current state of the economy and perhaps what to do about the damn skunks that keep f'in up my lawn.

As some of you know, I've had a slight problem lately with Boogergars and beetles (not even George & Ringo) and lions & tigers & bears, oh my, so I had recently recovered a small tupperdor from the deep freeze and had it sitting back in the Vino. Even though I've been on the receving end of a few very generous brothers on here, I felt it necessary to choke on one of the post-freezer Beetlegars, get them out of the way, and move on to the Bombergars.

So, I apprehensively reached into the Tupperdor where a week before I had run screaming seeing a scurrying beetle (joke - then no joke) and retrieved a previously frozen La Flor Domicana Reserva Especial El Jocko Perfecto . This was a great mini cigar one the likes of which I had never had before (small 4 1/2 x 32/54, strange yet alluring shape). Great, medium brown wrapper; gosh it sure was cute.

The cigar cut easily and had a nice prelight taste (and no remnants of beetles, at least that I could see). If you know my reviews, I can't taste flavors for anything. I just know if I liked it or not. Draw seemed good so I lit up.

The small size led to an easy light and in no time I was really quite enjoying my mini cigar. But then it started getting cold. I'm in L.A. and man, the weather sure is strange and switched from nights in the high '60's to freezing high '50's in no time. I was cold. So eventually, after 45 minutes, I found myself taking a draw, exhaling/snorkeling and stepping back into my office where I could continue posting on CS. I'm addicted, well, to both cigars & CS.

I still found myself enjoying the cigar even though I was forced to neglect it due to the awfully cold Southern California weather. And it was windy too. So I had to touch it up a bit and relight it a couple times but I do think that was completely my fault. And throughout the cigar, I was pretty impressed that the deep freezed didn't really affect the taste in a bad way.

I pretty much nubbed this little feller regardless and overall, I liked it. I'd likely buy another. I'd even stand outside to smoke it in the cold again.

So here's the interesting part. I honestly think I got my first buzz! Woohoo! Okay, alright. So I had heard over and over again about the buzz of a cigar and this brother & that boasting of the great high they had gotten (bastages, all of 'em) and here I was like that kid trying to get his eyes to go out of focus to see the 3-D image (which I still can't freakin' see) and not 'getting it'.

Now, I've never done drugs, only started drinking when I was 24 and God damn it, I wanted to get a good buzz off a cigar. And it happened and I never saw the stars align. On top of all that, I had nobody to act stupid around because my wife was at work....(and so here I am....)

But I enjoyed it. I think it's possibly because I hadn't had a very large dinner.

If getting buzzed on a cigar is like a light-headed feeling and mild giddiness (wait, am I buzzed right now?), then it definitely happened. No, really.

And I'm sorry I don't have any pictures of the cigar or me dancing around like a schoolgirl but I recently broke my damn camera (Halloween party....long story...did you see the pictures?).

The short version:

So is that what it's like?

Do you get it more times than not?

Does eating something affect your ability to get a buzz or not?

Why does it happen sometimes & not every time?

Do you enjoy it?

What's your 'first buzz' story? Or best 'buzz story'?

You made it to to the end! Thanks for reading.
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