Hugh, I watched it and really enjoyed it. My daughter absolutely loved it. We got the last two tickets to the 11:30 AM show and at the end of the movie the theater was full of applause. I'm sorry you had a bad experience. To each his own my friend.
I thought the plot went together fairly well, although a few parts made no sense and it was predictable. The CG was believable and vibrant. The concepts were mostly unique.
As far as other remarks go. Left-wing: maybe. Pagan: of course, any non Judeo-Christian religion is pagan, but hey, it's a movie about an alien world. Environmental: yes. Agitprop: maybe, but hasn't every country in history done that with entertainment including ours? Wakko: hell yeah. Anti American: the US was not mentioned once, nor was a flag portrayed. Anti-soldier: at the beginning of the movie it was stated that these were not the honorable soldiers back home but more like guns for hire controlled by the corporations. Anti-capitalism: I can see this point slightly, but Capatalism is bad when it involves sentient life in my opinion.
The 3D aspect was 3D although not hugely impressive. Then again I don't really need a giant object flung at me several times during every 3D movie I watch to make it good.
Aside from those points the CG can be argued and I didn't catch your comment about film on teeth earlier but it was funny. I enjoyed it, you didn't, and that's okay. I hope everybody reading this takes either opinion as anecdotal evidence because that's all it is.
All in all, I liked this movie but I'm not itching to go see it again any time soon. There it is. Have a good one Hugh! Maybe we can start a hotreds/Mariogolbee movie review thread...