Thread: Avatar
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Old 12-18-2009, 08:48 PM   #10
Ephesians 2:8
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Default Re: Avatar

Hotredsmama says that she was turned off by the lack of story development and the lackluster 3-D. All that money for a poorly made film, to say nothing of my complaints!

Fox: Your boys might enjoy it, I dunno. Some of the scenes are kinda neat, the flora and fauna of the planet are the only thing that we both liked. So, your youngsters might find that part "kewl", and the message might be over their heads. There is really very little swearing and no sex, but a fair amount of violence.

Mario: I'd be interested in your opinion after you see it.

It's interesting that the "people" reviews have given it very high marks- and we usually find their reviews much more to our liking than the so-called "expert" film reviewers- but I guess that most of those are from people who likely went to the midnight showings and were predisposed to like it. Wonder what the reviews will be like after about a week. FYI- the theater we saw it in had about a dozen folks at the 10:40 am showing.
God loves you so much, that he made you read this, just to let you know.
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