Thread: Avatar
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Old 12-18-2009, 07:35 PM   #5
Dayman, Master of Karate
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Default Re: Avatar

It looks goofy as hell. I liked it better when it was called Fern Gully. I liked it better when it was called Dances with Wolves.

Blue cat people? Too much CGI? 3D? How gimmicky can we get here. They can transfer his brain to a completely different organism but they can't get him out of a wheelchair?

James Cameron's being hyped as some sort of film god because he created a sci-fi universe from the ground up. Luc Besson already did that, it was called the Fifth Element. It was well done and no one spent $350 million patting themselves on the back over it.

(And btw I'm a film fanatic, I'll watch nearly anything).
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