Re: Let's see pictures of your humidors !!
Originally Posted by MarioF
Let the tretis begin!
Years ago when my sister-in-laws father passed away I took an old cabinet from his house and kept in down in my basement. As this crazy hobby started gettin out of hand I decided to convert that old cabinet into a humidor. I thought it was appropriate because he was a big pipe smoker.
So I stripped and sanded the old finish and found out that it was a Mahogany. So I used a very light red mahogany stain and then put an oiled rub finish on it.
On the interior I lined it with Spanish cedar, and put an edge strip all around the opening to get the doors to get a good seal. I used top and bottom sliding bolts to keep it closed tight. The old shelves turned out to be mahogany also so I stripped them and then put a light oil finish on them also. I kinda like the look against the cedar interior.
There's a small drawer on the bottom so I lined that with cedar also, and put a small lid on it. Not sure what to put in there but probably will use it for cheap sticks and supplies.
I let it air out for a while and then started humidifying it. I have a pound of Shilalas beads along with a lot of cedar boxes so I think I should be ok.
Beautiful piece of work Mario!
“Don’t talk to me about naval tradition. It’s nothing but rum, sodomy and the lash.” -Sir Winston Churchill