OpusX is a fine, special occasion, smoke.
They can be found at/near msrp online.
They are limited release, and some vendors
mark them up to reflect the scarcity.
I know several local b&ms that sell them in
the $9-$18 range, before sales tax, but they
limit the number that can be purchased each
If I lived closer to said b&ms, I'd have more.
But, as it is, I've accumulated well over a
dozen, since starting smoking cigars 4 yrs ago.
I probably smoked an equal number to those
that I have aging. I gave my brother a xXx
last New Years Eve, and it kicked his butt.

I like the smaller sizes, too. They're also the
most affordable. They make xlnt gifts for those
that will appreciate them.
Definitely try them, but don't overpay for them.