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Old 11-13-2008, 05:15 PM   #73
New Patriotic Dissenter
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Default Re: The absolute worst beer you can get anywhere i

Originally Posted by Scimmia View Post
Sam Adams Cranberry Lambic. Only beer I wasn't able to finish.
I kept seeing this beer show up on bad lists, so I bought a SA winter mix case to see for myself. Sorry, but this beer is true to style, tart and flavorful. I like it myself, not my favorite by a long shot, but it is a good lambic. To place this beer on a list that includes the horrible tasting american light lager rice and corn beers like Bud and Coor's light is not fair. Tastes are obviously subjective, but if you have not had other lambics and label this one bad, perhaps you need to try some and then decide if it's the style and not the beer you don't like. Beer snob, out.
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