Originally Posted by muhren
I have just finished 'The Complete Idiot's Guide to Cigars' AND
I'm looking for another good resource book. I signed up for the Pearlman '09 version of another thread, but can any vets recommend another good read with some specifics on location and/or geography and the flavors they can impart?
Perelman's Cigar Cyclopedia is more of a statistical referance than anything else. While it does have some other information in it, it's main purpose is to simply list current production cigars, their sizes, the country of manufacture, the countries of tobacco origin for the cigar and some manufacturing notes on the cigar. It's not really much of a flavor guide.
Rather than another book, is to take Perelman's and look up the cigars you are smoking and see what the tobacco origins are for those cigars. Eventually, you'll start tasting some similarities and patterns. But, keep in mind, that there are many variables in tobacco growing and simply changing something as mundane as afternoon shadows on the tobacco plant can make two pieces of tobacco grown only a few miles apart taste radically different.