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Old 12-10-2009, 01:58 PM   #1
Posts: n/a

I wanted to share with you all my latest project. It's still technically in Beta, however it is functional and I am moving all development to a secondary server so it should atleast be functional and stable.

The site is

It is a user modified national database of Cigar Friendly establishments. I decided to build this when my usual lounge closed down because of the Virginia Smoking ban, even though it didn't apply to them.

I hope you all find it useful as it seems every state is starting to find ways to alienate us.

At this point the site provides the ability to:
Register and Login.
Create a profile and view other people's profiles.
Creating a listing.
Comment on and/or rate a listing.
Leave a Visitor Message on a users profile wall.
Send Private Messages to other users.

Soon to come:
Mobile Version
Event Planning
State Representatives to help introduce people new to others and locations.
much more!

Once I get all the features done and I am satisfied, I will likely begin to add other countries.

Thanks for taking a peek and feel free to send over any suggestions or ideas you might have as I want this to work how people want it to work, and not necessarily just how I want it to work. It is a tool for everyone, not just me.
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