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Old 11-30-2009, 12:38 AM   #17
Posts: n/a
Default Re: I lost a snake...

in my experiance mate (i used to breed snakes as a job) the more you look for it the more it will hide. most of the time thay just turn up out of the blue in places like sinks and stuff like that were there is water . i had a snake show up in the washing machine once was fine and dandy. i would avoid the cricket in a tub idea mate as all thay will do is fill your house with anoying crickets and the snake wont care about them as u know thay eat meat not insects , like i said mate the best thing to do is just to keep you eyes open if u move all the stuff about in your house all you will do is scare the snake into moveing to a diff hideing spot . hope that helps mate i once had a nile monitor escape in a moveng car we had to take the car apart to get the lil bugger out lol
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