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Old 11-28-2009, 08:11 AM   #45
.. the man from Nantucket
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Default Re: Black Friday Scores!

I had to fight a guy off to get the 55" 1080P lcd @ Costco ($1150), last one, he was in line behind me, and he grabbed the other end of the box. I said something like "get back in line!" .. I say "something like" cuz I dont really remember lol I was out in the cold for over an hour and was 14th in line.

Then Directv came by around noon and I've got some sweeeet 1080p feeds now.

Decided to try my luck at RadioShack to get the $13 Wii charging station around 8pm... they were sold out.

Zipped over to WalMart about 8:30p, got the 'pole position' parking spot and thought "this must be a sign", walked in and was like OMG... Grabbed the last PS3 bundle for $299, which was the one I *really* wanted to get the whole day. Came with inFAMOUS, Arkham Asylum AND The Dark Night on blu-ray. Even the sales guy was like wtf?!? lol

Got a bike for my son for 60% off and a little thing for our baby girl.

Got a TomTom GPS for $59 and a portable DVD player for $59 (for my Mom and MIL)

Also used Bing cash back to get about $40 or so back from getting stuff online.

All in all, not a bad day I got everything I needed/wanted.

Last edited by Thrak; 11-28-2009 at 08:22 AM.
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