Originally Posted by Ratters
Yep, picked up a LG Blue Ray player for $99 and a few cheap blu ray movies all from Amazon. Then went to bed and slept in. 
Originally Posted by JE3146
Got an LG370 Blu-ray player with netflix streaming for 77$ from Frys. Was out in the cold at 4am and got the 16th player off the palette.
Only thing I got today, but with our movie library, we needed a bedroom blu-ray player.
Was so tempted to buy a 374$ Sony Bravia 32" at Best Buy for the bedroom as well but just didn't want to put it on a card, which is where it would have been going.
Paying with cash during the Christmas Season saves a lot of grief come spring...
Going to Macy's tomorrow (this morning) with the wife for some christmas shopping... ughh... oh well.. We'll be done with our christmas shopping 2 days after thanksgiving. Can't beat that really.
Oh yea, I got the Insignia bluray (that does Netflix) two weeks ago for $99. Some people thought it would go down to $89 on Friday but it didn't. I was planning on getting another Roku Netflix player for our bedroom but I ended up getting a blueray with it built in for the same price - that was a no-brainer.
It seemed like every store was willing to one-up each other with early deals to see who could get people's money first.