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Old 11-27-2009, 09:43 PM   #1
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Default A few miscellaneous cigar questions

I did a search and couldn't find anything similar to what I was asking. So here they are...

1) When a cigar burns in a cone shape what does that represent? What about an inverse cone? What about a flat burn? ( I'm talking about after you ash a cigar, the cherry is either cone, inverted or flat ) Is this a direct representation on how your smoking the cigar? ( Fast, slow, drawing too hard, not hard enough )

2) Seems like when I smoke now the only flavors I can identify is floral and nutty flavors. Why? Is is because that is the only ones I can pick out yet, or maybe I'm manifesting it in my head that those are the flavors I'm tasting?

3) When aging cigars, what is the prime age? Say someone says it has "3 years" on it, are they using the box date and going three years on that, or are they going three years on from when they receive the box? How old is too old ( age wise ), like if I have cigars and I plan on sitting on them for a bit. When do they just skunk out and taste that vintage taste I keep hearing about?

I'm sure some people are going to flame me and say put these in the noob thread, but I think these are more specific and there is more then one answer needed here. These seem like more than just a yes no answer.

Hopefully someone can help me out here.
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