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Old 11-21-2009, 07:10 PM   #1
Adjusting to the Life
Join Date: Oct 2008
First Name: Jackie
Location: Georgia
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GodOfFire is on a distinguished road
Default My wife is the best!!!

So here is the story. As some of you know we have are relocating to GA (Marietta). This weekend we have been down here looking for a house and some commerical property. It has went really well.

Everytime we have passed a new cigar shop, I have made it in to check out the cigar scene. Tonight we went to eat at Olive Garden and I saw accross from the resteraunt was a cigar shop called "Wise Ash Cigars".

I told the wife and our assistant that I was going to go over to check out the cigar shop while they waited in line. I found a great little cigar shop with a decent selection of cigars. Nothing really caught my eye except I notice about 6 Between The Lines Work Of Art Hemmingways.

Now I have never smoked one of these and have never found them for sale in a shop before. Since I am a big time Maduro Hemmingway whore. I really wanted to give these a try however, I promised the wife that I wouldn't buy anymore cigars till we finished paying off our debt (we are a few months away). So I walked away without purchasing them.

When I went back to Olive Garden I let the wife know how proud she should be of me for sticking to my cigar savings plan... lol (I broke this once... ok twice).

During dinner the wife got up and excused her self to take a phone call from during dinner. She had one of our employees calling. I didn't think nothing of it. When we got back to the hotel, she surprised me with 4 "Between The Lines" cigars.

I was ecstatic. She had used some money I gave her to help with the move. Which is obviously FINE BY ME!!!

Sorry cant take a picture but looking forward to lighting one of the babies up!

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