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Old 11-20-2009, 09:24 AM   #1
Suck It
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Default 19th Annual O'Reilly National Indoor Kart Champs.

Mark your calendars boys and girls, Thanksgiving weekend, the largest
indoor karting event in the world comes to lil bitty ol' Batesville, Mississippi the weekend immediately following Thanksgiving.
Turkey day just can't compete with 1000+ Professional and amateur Kart racers ranging in age from 7 years to 60 years of age.
November 27th and 28th, tickets are 8 dollars, children under 6 free. Doors open at 5pm, races start at 7pm. 16 races each
night, with $90,000 in purses and prizes. Pre-registrants so far represent 27 states of this fine union of ours, and even though
I am going to hate being there rather than in my house wasting another 48 hours off, I have to announce perhaps the best
news in this thread...If you have any interest in Motorsports at all, check out the live internet stream available HERE:

If you want to see what this kind of thing LOOKS like, check it out here

The ONLY reason I am there is to produce this stream. Well, that's not true, I have to work it evey year, but at least this year
I am too busy producing the webcast to be a grunt/gopher. This event has been broadcast on ESPN 2, The Speed Network
and Versus. This year, it's the OLS channel, lol. Have mercy on me folks, I have two college kids on camera and two cameras
are just locked down, so don't expect too much, but I guarantee at least good entertainment to anyone who tunes in.
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