Thread: Life Update
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Old 11-15-2009, 04:15 PM   #1
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Default Life Update

Just wanted to post an update. It's been three weeks since I lost my job and was lucky enough to secure another. I have been working 14 to 16 hours days getting up to speed and have been promoted as well. I had this afternoon off (1.5 days in 3 weeks)! Once I get my hands around the new responsibilities I'm hoping the hours will get more manageable.

Have had little to no time to get on CA and that makes me sad but I'm grateful for the job and the support (and cigars) from many of you!!!!

I'm behind on pics, and as far as some of them go, if I took them now you would see empty 5 finger bags.

Thank you all for your support it's an amazing help.

Looking forward to getting back here more regulary.

Off to get some sleep.

All the best to each of you.
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