11-14-2009, 06:45 PM
Jordan #2
Join Date: Oct 2008
First Name: Jordan
Location: Tigard, OR
Posts: 2,115
Re: Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare 2
Originally Posted by VirtualSmitty
Forza 3, the GTA4 add ons, Shadow Complex. Both systems have their own share of awesome exclusive games. And both have some killer titles on the horizon. I'm glad I have both. 360 does have much better online content though, much better selection of games in the 360 marketplace in general.
I beat the single player campaign last night. The story sucked, i'm still not sure what happened lol. It was short, took me less time than the first modern warfare to blow through. But it was a blast, tonight I move to multiplayer.
I have both as well
But face it.. the 360 lineup this year sucked.