Originally Posted by BigCat
Yes! If you don't, bacteria grows in the tank really quickly and it gets bad for your health. When I first started out using it, I used tap water a couple times when I ran out of distilled water. Stuff started growing in the tank like crazy. I kept running a q-tip over it and pink stuff kept coming out. You can get distilled water for less than a dollar a gallon where I live. I get 2 weeks or so out of one gallon. It is way worth it. When I run out, I don't use any water in it anymore - a couple nights without the humidifier going hasn't hurt me yet.
As far as cleaning the equipment, I can be a little lax there. I dump the water in the humidifier every morning and open it up so that it air dries during the day. Considering I use only distilled water and allow it to completely dry, I haven't had any problems with it. I tend to get new equipment every 6 months because that is how frequently my insurance pays for a new mask. I figure I might as well get it. I'd do it every three if I could remember, but wouldn't worry about it if you don't.
Just my  , but definitely use distilled water only.
Distilled water only Hugh!! I use soap and water and clean mine every few weeks...let it air dry. My insurance sends me a new mask, hose and filter every three months...I usually only change it every 5-6 though.