Originally Posted by heavyd
Thanks for the review. Love the pic
A couple of comments... As far as CA ratings are concerned, I tend to prefer the cigars they rate in the 80s over the 90 and above group. That is the case almost every month. The only exception is their "Connoisseur's Corner" with all those 99-rated beauties  . I'm sure those are incredible, but I'll never know...
Also, I do enjoy the construction and consistency of the high-end Padrons, but I could say the same thing about half of the nc brands I buy. Lots folks doing great work in the cigar biz, imo. 
You are absolutely right. There are some great folks doing, IMHO just as good work out there. Some of them I can think of is Pete Johnson (although he's been over-reaching as of late), Dion Giolito, Don Pepin, and Litto Gomez.
However, these cigars hold a special kind of romance in my heart because, as a young guy, these were the first cigars I smoked that I could really TASTE the difference between these and everything else out there. You can say what you want about the rest of the pack, but for some reason, these smokes just taste consistently different.
Why? I have no idea. Maybe it's just me.