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Old 11-11-2009, 08:49 PM   #3
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Default Re: Anyone else have problems with Taboo cigars?

Originally Posted by loki View Post
anything could be possible. I've smoked probably 20 different cigars from them and while i don't remember the exact experience, I'd say they are no more or less prone to touch up then any other cigar i've enjoyed. How long have they been in your humidor? were the cigars dry when you got them?

I'll tell ya one thing, the costa rician maduro they have will take a giant rubber ball (the kind we all had as kids and you got at KMart) square to the foot while being smoked with only light wrapper damage after
They've been in there for probably 2 1/2 months now. I doubt they were dry as they were my first purchase so I was really careful to keep them in good shape. The only reason I'm thinking it may be the sticks is because it's 2 sticks now and I haven't had a problem with any other cigars they live with.
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