Originally Posted by Zanaspus
I have to disagree strongly, given my masters degree in economics. We all see how fast they sell out. Clearly Famous could double the price and unload them, yet they choose not to.
Why is this? Clearly, an altruistic vendor makes no rational sense. No, I feel it is more a free advertising ploy. They get so much free press in the cigar community, it's like free Famous commercials?
Hype stick? If you say so. They sure blow Gurkhas and Graycliffs out of the water imho, so I guess it all depends how you define hype stick. 
If they haven't doubled the price, how do you know how well they will sell? How do you know they were never re-branded and sold at a different price as a trial or even regular production like many have claimed? Not trying to be confrontational, just asking....
When the description of a cigar reads: "One of the most talked about cigars on the internet...." that equals hype IMO... I could be wrong... And maybe we describe hype differently, which is fine... I have never seen a Gurkha or Graycliff add say that...