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Old 11-09-2009, 06:45 PM   #26
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Default Re: Cigars & Life-Insurance... some real issues

Originally Posted by Blueface View Post
Have not read the other responses as pressed to leave.
However, did want to address your question.
I happen to be a manager for a fraud investigation operation for an insurance company.
As such, I am very familiar with the claims side.

Here is a word of caution for you, "void ab initio".
Many, if not all policies, contain language relative to misrepresentations in an application for insurance.
If the misrepresentations are deemed to be "material" to accepting the risk or rating the risk, most states will generally uphold that void ab initio, in essence rescinding the policy from its inception.

So, you never want to lie in an application for insurance, particularly if you have a blog that provides evidence to the contrary to what you have stated.
I can tell you that I smoked a bunch of cigars at a herf in Chicago, then was tested immediately thereafter for a life policy and I had as minimal findings as my wife who doesn't smoke cigars at all. I told them I am an occasional cigar smoker, which is what I truly am. On any occasion I can, I do.

How you proceed, let your conscious be your guide.
Thank you for your intimate insight into the issue. I appreciate the help.
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