Re: Cigars & Life-Insurance... some real issues
Just to add to my "let your conscious be your guide" comment.
Think of it this way, you tell them you don't smoke, you save money on your premium and in the long term, make out like a bandit.
For that to be possible, there has got to be a flip side. The flip side here is when you lie or misrepresent information on an insurance application, you face risks as I alluded to, such as your policy possibly being declared void.
Always best to come clean, even if it costs you more since the risks seem to outweigh the rewards.
Just like this ethical issue there is the one every year, during open enrollment for benefits. My company gives a credit for non smokers. I have always declared myself a smoker, even if referring to cigars and not cigarettes, which I never touch the latter.
Little known fact: I am a former member of the Village People - The Indian