Originally Posted by Resipsa
Disclaimer: I have an iPhone, I love
my iPhone. Ihabe very good 3g service in my area so that not an issue for
me with AT&T
if this phone were an iPhone competitor, I'd be interested, but some things people need to consider when Loki g at the droid:
1) the data plan Verizon is
making you buy is billed as unlimited, in reality it's capped
at 5 gb a month. Google maps are not stored on the device, they're streamed
over the Net so a) you need a data connection to use the gps at all, and if you're using it
with any frequency you'll blow through 5 gbs quickly enough. You can also forget about streaming any music or video.
2) the Droid, from what I've read, makes you store any apps to it's internal
memory, which is only 256 mb. I've get several apps on my iPhone that are over 100 mb EACH. Limited apps storage means little opportunity for cool games, hiking maps, what have you.
It all depends on what you use for the phone is, but the latest things I've read is this is more akin to a BB than an iPhone. Which is not necessariy a bad thing, but apples and
never said verizon weren't a-holes...they just have the best network! lol
and the 256mb cap makes no sense to me, so at least i have an ipod touch for games n that. and I agree that the iphone is #1, I just can't deal with ATT in this area.
apples and oranges.... nice touch, Vic

And you know I am about as big of an apple fan as there is, so not knocking the iphone at all from my end.
Droid is best phone on Verizon though, and android is a nice platform, so I'm hoping for good things in the future