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Old 11-09-2009, 12:48 PM   #67
King James
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Default Re: Anyone seriosuly looking at the new DROID?

Originally Posted by Kreth View Post
Give me a phone, PDA apps, browser, media player, and Office docs, and I'm good. Everything else is just gravy. I read (on Engadget, IIRC) that the Pre was about $1k cheaper per year based on service plans. Throw in GPS, and it's even more.
Posted via Mobile Device
GPS is free on droid.... is that compared to if you buy iphone app?

and you can get a decent plan with texts and data for like $85 a month. So say after stupid fees and other BS that comes to $1200 a year (which is a high estimation). That means the Pre would have to have a plan of like $15 a month to be 1k cheaper... unless I'm missing something?
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