Originally Posted by Blueface
Just remembered......anyone ever recall flipping cards against a wall to see who got the closest to the edge? Remember if you if you landed on another card it was "topsies"? If you leaned it against the wall, it was "leaners"? All would try to knock your leaner down. Whoever got the closest won all the cards tossed. We use to play in groups of up to 10 of us. They guy that walked away with the grocery bag fullest or shoe box full of cards ruled.
That all said, it is sad the cards I played that with. I don't want to name the names on my cards when I did this in the very early 70's. Makes me want to cry.
My dad used to stick his baseball cards in his bicycle spokes. He said he could have sold some of them for a lot of money. But when you're a kid, you'd rather have fun with them than lock them away hoping the value goes up.
Originally Posted by WyoBob
In 1962, right before we moved from Kansas City to Nebraska (I was 15 years old), mom threw out 3 shoe boxes full of bubble gum baseball cards along with a big stack of Superman and Batman comic books.
Thanks, mom.
Been there, done that with the comic books.