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Old 11-07-2009, 12:09 PM   #8
Ayatollah of Rock n Rolla
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Default Re: What's this bad flavor I'm experiencing...

As tobacco ferments, it releases ammonia. Tasting ammonia is quite common, especially in "fresh" cigars, or cigars with a lot of ligero tobacco in them, as ligero takes much longer to ferment than the viso and seco leaves of the tobacco plant.

Smoking too fast/drawing too hard can also make a cigar taste nasty.

A cigar that is too moist can also taste nasty. I shoot for 62-65% humidity in my humidors.

If I get a cigar that tastes nasty like that, I take the rest of them (5 pack, box, etc.) and let them sit for a few months in the humi. It usually does the trick.
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