Originally Posted by jquirit
Now, the only problem is I don't think the Shilo will allow us to smoke pipes in there. Not exactly too sure about the laws here in Oregon, but I do suspect it might not be allowed since they don't sell pipe tobacco.
I was wondering about that myself, and I suspect you're right... Guess the pipe stays at home and maybe pulled out for patio herfs. Thanks again for the tip about Timber Valley, I stopped by this afternoon on the way home from work, and left with a Missouri Meerschaum cob, czech tool, pipe cleaners, and 2 different 1oz pouches of their blends all for under $8

Originally Posted by mugwump
I average about 10 pipefuls per ounce for a cost of around 31 cents per bowl. So if you can stay disciplined (good luck) it is much cheaper than cigars. Make sure you're getting Missouri Meerschaum cobs and not Chinese knock-offs and see if you can pick up a tobacco sampler to find out what you like. Other than that you're good to go.
Thanks for the info! I think I'll place an order soon with pipesandcigars to peice together my own sampler based on some suggestions I've seen others get around here. I didn't notice a sampler at the place I went today, but she did take pity on my newb self and give me the two 1oz "samples" of my picking for free