Re: Short wave radio
Oh, yeah! DXer from way back. My first real hobby. While living in Europe, I listened to AFRTS for baseball games. I also collected QSL cards. Had some nice rigs, had some nice antennas.
Once I moved to the USA I was more of an AM DXer, trying to- again- listen to baseball games and collecting QSL cards. I actually picked up KFI LA CA from Cinci one morning. I have 21 acres out here, and strung up Beverage antennas in the four compass directions, and was able to switch between them for best reception. I have a pond way in back, and terminated one in the pond for even better reception and directivity. I also picked up Algeria on LW one day!
Now, of course, you have XM radio that has all the baseball games available, most SW stations are on the 'net and/or internet radios(just google it) and money problems have all but ended the QSL hobby.
There are still great radios out there, but I have taken down my long wire antennas(my house looked like a spy den with all those antennas!)and haven't DXed in a number of years. But, I'd be happy to answer any questions and send you to places that still exist for equipment!
CQ DX, CQ DX de WDX4HMR. 73!
 God loves you so much, that he made you read this, just to let you know.