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Old 11-02-2009, 06:50 PM   #4
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Default Re: How to do a background check?

Originally Posted by sikk50 View Post
First thing is easiest, you go to your local county's court website, and most counties have an area where if you have her real first and last name and their birthday you can see all the encounters they've had with the law in that county, from arrests to tickets, but it only works in the county the offense was committed.
It is worth taking a look at. All legal issues, in the state of Michigan atleast, are public record and easily accessible for free with any court computer.

Originally Posted by Silound View Post
Best bet would be to find someone who knows someone (police friend, etc) who can get it done, or hire a PI which will cost you a bit.
I would be careful with this request. My best friend works for the Michigan court system and can easily access anyone's record but he cannot do so. It is a confidentiality/legality thing, some stuff is public record, other stuff is not public files.
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