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Old 11-01-2009, 06:02 PM   #37
I'm nuts for the place
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Default Re: Altadis USA sues Tatuaje Cigars

I find it kind of amusing as the Fluer is one of the most generic symbols used for a lot of different companies and wouldn't think that a symbol like that couldn't be trademarked. Hell, the Saints use it, BoyScouts, Big Tattoo Wines( etc etc. Altadis will need to start thier own legal dept if they really want to say they trademarked it. I'm going to go and trademark the question mark tomorrow and anyone who uses it whether it's for their company or in the paper or magazines I am sueing the crap out of them. Whenever I wear my Tatuaje t-shirt people always ask if I am a Saints fan. Never once did someone say, "Hey I like Montecisto too."
Sounds to me like Altadis does not like that Pete/Pepin has taken a big chunk of their market share. Maybe they should concentrate more on making a better cigar that will appeal to the masses rather than nit picking generic symbols. Just my .02
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