Thread: About the taste
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Old 11-01-2009, 03:20 PM   #17
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Default Re: About the taste

18 years, you've smoked a hanful of different cigars and you can't distingush any flavours other than harsh. No biggee, thats a start.
I've been smoking cigars for longer than you've been alive & I can't distingush certain flavours either.
Some people have a delicate pallet & give Martha Stewart type reviews, taste of nutmeg, vanilla, chocolate etc. Others have a simpler method, it sucks, it didn't suck, and wow that works for me.
Keep asking questions, listen to the advice, use what works for you disregard the rest. Taste is subjective, what one person likes another won't.

One day you'll smoke that one cigar that makes ya go, Hey I get it. Then yur f***ed!
We few, we happy few, we band of brothers. For he today that shares his smoke with me shall be my brother
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