Two things come to mind;
1) Everyone has different tastes. There is no existential proof that what I taste=what you taste.
2) Early on, distinguishing flavors is difficult at best. Smoking more will tend to bring out more sensations.
If you'd like to practice, do this trick that young wine tasters use: Put some of the things you see others tasting in a narrow rimmed glass. Let's take pepper. Put some pepper in such a glass (a wine glass works great for this as long as it's not a huge goblet type). Cover the glass for five minutes or so, then, remove the cover and immediately breathe in (but don't inhale the aroma). Now, slowly blow it out your nose and mouth using your tongue in a tasting motion as you do. After a few such attempts, you should have your pepper taste delineated. Try this with other descriptors you see in cigar reviews (yes, even "weird" things like leather, toast, charcoal, etc.). Before you know it, you'll be a champ.