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Old 10-30-2009, 12:15 PM   #219
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Default Re: Yankees vs. Phillies W.S. 2009

Originally Posted by Blueface View Post
I wish I could have overheard it just for laughs.
I heard it... It went something like this.

1st Base Ump: "Oh shiit, big arss Howard blocked my view of the ball. I don't want to blow this call. You know everyone at home is watching the replay in slow motion."

The rest of the Umps: "Dude you were like 15 feet away from the play, if you didn't see it, how in the hell are we supposed to?" Here you go again, making us overpaid umps blow another play. Well let's all stand around sratching our butts, so we look like were taking this seriously."

1st Base Ump: "I got it, let's just throw a coin up in the air, heads the ball was caught on the fly, tails the ball one hopped. It's a 50/50 chance of making the right call."

Home plate Ump: "Sounds like a plan to me. Since I've been blowing calls all series, 50% sure sounds good to me."

The rest of the Umps: "Ok, now who has a coin... No one responds..."

1st Base Ump: "Man F this, Howard is a big dude and I'm not going back there and reversing my call. I'll take the 50% chance that I got the call right. It's only game #2 and neither team will remember the call when its all said and done."

The rest of the Umps: "Agreed!"
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