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Old 10-30-2009, 11:00 AM   #1
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Default Beat the man (who in this case is a woman)

Here's a little background. I recruit, train and license people to be foster parents for children with SEVERE behavioral concerns. While recruiting, I also maintain all he current homes. I've worked with this program for about 5 years and transferred to the Clearwater area last december to be closer to family.

When I moved, I took alot of flak from the ladies who work in this office, including from a supervisor who was a little intimidated that I used to do her job AND mine at my last office. She set a lofty goal for recruitment at 8 new homes licensed in a year. when I asked why that number (the average is about 3-4) she explained that their person who was leaving once had a year where she got 7. They figured that despite that person having 10 years experience, that I could beat her number.

For those of you that don't know, I'm highly motivated by competition and proving others wrong. So, today I recieved confirmation on home number 8. In fact, monday I expect that number 9 will be signed as well. I'm a month from my year anniversary in this office and plan to get 2 more completed before I hot that year mark.

So... today, I plan to cut out early and smoke something yummy.
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