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Old 10-27-2009, 05:39 AM   #232
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Default Re: Pete Johnson goes Vampire!

Originally Posted by s15driftking View Post
just ask coastie tech, he'll succumb to anything with shiney "LE" packaging, it means its better AND worth more. In fact, he just bought a Limited Edition "Pirates of the Caribbean" Lego Pirate ship play set that doesn't hit the shelves until December BRAH!!!

That's not what I was saying at all. I've noticed a trend with your posts here they all tend to have an ignorant, rude and decisive feel to them.

You do you, and I'll do me. I enjoy the LE factor. Never said it made something bigger or better. If you think something that is a limited edition isn't worth more in reality then your mistaken. Go to the WTS section which do you think will sell faster and for more money, a box of Franks or a box of red labels?

You don't have to agree with me. I can accept an agree to disagree. What I think is ignorant is your way of belittling people who have a difference of opinion than you. It's not the first thread I've seen you do it, most likely won't be the last.

Either way like I said you do you and I'll do me because it's what I do best.
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