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Old 10-26-2009, 05:34 PM   #83
Down the stretch
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Default Re: Yankees vs. Phillies W.S. 2009

Originally Posted by The Poet View Post
Joel, I see THAT as "Rollins-esque", brother. And no, I don't think the Yanks will sweep - but I certainly don't think they will win only 1 game either. I expect the series to play out pretty much the same way it did against the Angels, with most of the games being ones either could win. Yet anyone who looks at it objectively must admit the Yankees have the edge in - well, in everything, really.
I don't see that as "Rollins-esque". I see that as a prediction. Wasn't even said in a "smartass" way. If I said "Phillies sweep, but maybe the Yanks will sneak out one win" that would be me being a d***. And please entertain me what did Rollins say that has stuck in your craw so bad?

And the bolded part.....???? To use another "esque", that is New York-esque. You're kidding, right?
Originally Posted by ade06 View Post
I call B.S.

I'm not from Philly and even I know Philadelphians don't care for either Pat's or Geno's
IMHO, Tony Luke's is better than both. YMMV.
Originally Posted by Blueface View Post
How things evolve.
No one said anything about having to pick the Yankees.
Remember? Someone mentioned Phillies in 5? Did I read that wrong?
Hence a blind Phillies fan if you can't recognize they are not playing against a triple A team. They are playing the best team in baseball in 2009! Just hope they don't turn out like the Patriots.
No one said anything about the Yankees being a AAA team. You inferred that I was dissing the Yankees because I predicted the Phillies in 5. I saw no d***ness (like, that's a word ) when I predicted it. You all are just offended that someone would make such a bold prediction against your beloved Yankees. A backhanded apology can be made if that would make all of you feel better.
The Yankees had the best regular season record. The World Series will determine the the best team in baseball. Your opinion of what defines the best team apparently differs from mine.
Originally Posted by Blueface View Post
Just realized it and totally feel for you.
I have a new found understanding and sort of feel bad.
You are from "South Jersey".
The land of nowhere. You are not accepted by northern jersey, where the majority of the population resides. On top of that, no local team anywhere in sight to call your own so understandably you look for comfort across the river, in Philadelphia, the land of brotherly love.
Makes sense.

Kidding aside, unless you are from NJ, folks have no clue of the two different worlds that exist between northern Jersey and south Jersey. At least when I left 13 years ago, it was evident.

.....and as cheesesteaks go, GENO'S!!!
All kidding aside, I am closer to the stadium complex in S. Philly than a lot of people who live in Philly! 18 minutes from my driveway to the entrance to the stadium parking lot...and I live in the boonies! Being that close I have no problem calling Philly my home city. (***kidding no longer aside***) And who in the world would want to be associated with the armpit of America, North Jersey where corruption and lawlessness reigns supreme?

I went to Rutgers (NB) and when I told people there I was in North Jersey they about flipped and said it was actually South Jersey. We agreed to disagree but ultimately I ended up calling it Central Jersey. ...I won't hide though.
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