Warning: Rambling post...
You seem to be harping on the greatness of the Yankees' regular season achievements. Yippee!
Yes, they had the best record in baseball. Yes, they were the only team to win 100 games this year. If they were in the NHL they could parade the President’s Trophy down Broadway.
Winning the most regular season games didn't help the 2001 Mariners (
116 wins - lost in 5 games in the LCS), or the 2004 Cardinals (105 wins - got
swept in the WS), or the 2008 Angels (100 wins (only 100 win team) - lost in 4 games in the LDS).
And I'm not sure why you feel insulted as you insinuated.

I didn't realize this was such a touchy subject. If someone predicted the Yankees in 5 I wouldn't be insulted. I wouldn't be shocked by any outcome in this series. Seriously bro, don't take it so seriously.
And predicting the Phillies in 5 does not make me a "blind fan". The Phillies certainly have their faults, their bullpen and bench topping the list. I was just making a prediction for the series. Before the playoffs started, I said the one team I didn't want to face from the NL in was the Rockies. I thought they may lose the series to them, and I thought they matched up better against everyone else in the league. If not for a very timely hit by Howard, there would have been a game 5 and everything about this post season
could have been different. Oh, that's right... I'm a blind fan, I must have predicted a sweep.
I have trouble keeping up with the banter, so don't take any lack of timely responses as avoidance. It also causes rambling posts like this one.
Let's all smoke a cigar tonight and sing Kumbaya.