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Old 10-26-2009, 01:57 PM   #50
Gramps 4x's
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Default Re: Yankees vs. Phillies W.S. 2009

Originally Posted by andysutherland View Post
I could not find anything to agree with more than that statement.

All can keep highlighting this comment all you want.

The point of the stats was not to show a guaranteed win. I am no fool and have seen many underdogs win in my 50 years on this Earth.

The point of the stats was that a comment was made that the Phillies were a more "exciting" team. I highlighted stats that to me and most anyone, illustrates the Yankees far exceeding the Phillies in all categories.

So, while stats don't guarantee a win, watching a team that hit more times on base, slammed more balls out of the park, had a better slugging percentage and WON 10 more games, more walk off wins and have the best closing reliever to have played the game, it is hard to say the Phillies are more exciting. However, I guess beauty is in the eyes of the beholder and we are often blinded into believing things that are not always as one sees them. Let's just say the Phillies in 3 as that seems to be possible in the eyes of some Phillies fans as the Yankees may not show up for game 4 and quit.
Little known fact: I am a former member of the Village People - The Indian
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