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Old 10-26-2009, 12:32 PM   #206
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Default Re: Pete Johnson goes Vampire!

Originally Posted by coastietech View Post
Bro your talking to the wrong person. I enjoy LE... I pretty much go after any LE item that falls into my hobby that I can. I go out of my way to buy LE and C&R guns because it's stuff that few other people have.

The only reason I have an issue with B&M being eligible for the Ducati is because it means they will open up all the boxes. Should I plan on collecting them it diminishes the value to have the seal on the box already broken. I've already spoken to my B&M and requested a sealed box and had no problem getting him to agree to that.

For you to call someone classless and say they lack integrity because they are able to create a hype about their product and whine because you can't find a box is not only childish but pretty ignorant.

As for the MSRP, every product in the world has an MSRP and it's just that a "suggest price." Doesn't mean it has to be sold at that price. Hell many factors come in to play. A B&M in NY has a much higher tax and much higher rent than a B&M in FL so they have to charge more.

You pay to play, it's that simple. Stop whining. If you don't want it don't buy it. If you do then do the leg work find a box and pay the price.

Funny how people look at cigars differently than they do every other product out there. I don't see anyone on the board complaining about LE cars, guns, guitars, or any other LE product. Ask any musician on this board who collects an instrument what they would do for a LE. Ask a surfer who collects boards what he would do for a LE board. People collect thing and LE makes the collector enjoy the hobby. If you don't like it buy the regular production stuff and stop whining.

This is ridiculous!!
I have to agree with you bro. I was pretty scorned when I could not get a box. And I know Pete personally. But, at the end of the day, LE's in any form are what they are. It's up to you if you want them or not. Price becomes mute at that point.
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