Originally Posted by atlharp
Bjarne's seem like that too me. They are good pipes, but they are a ***** to break in. I like the Nording Freehand pipes. They are friggin' nice, and for the money they smoke like they have been broken in for years. The Blowfish pipes look good man, I would go for it. Between $50-$100 is a good range for a solid high-end burner.
I would take a serious look at some of the Nording Freehands.
awesome! well compared to the blowfish i ordered these aren't to far out for price range... Thanks! If this blowfish treats me well, you will be seeing pipe being a Very interesting hobby for me and I will have no other choice but to get that Nording

ALL thanks to you guys

haha Thanks alot, lets see how i'll afford this