Originally Posted by Darrell
Wow. Way to show your ass, Bobby.
Greg is not going to blow smoke up your ass. It may do you some good to listen to him rather than getting your panties in a bunch and throwing a tantrum. Greg has been in this game probably longer than we have been alive.

Tantrum??? Merely proving a point.
What happened? I blacked out.
And Thrak, the Arabic dials were the original release, then came the batons and the split arabic. All style are available at any vendor for BNIB purchase in 2009 as long as thats the one they got in... and the one you want.
As my local Breitling authorized dealers stated.... They don't often know what they are gettign in new orders. apparently they just spend their designated purchase per month and stuff comes in. Do i neccesarrily believe that... No... Hence why they always try and sell you whats there at that point in time.... so they wont have to special order it in.
It is possible that vendors sell NOS if it didn't sell well initially and space-in-the-case is limited... But that isnt the case because the Super Avengers "fly off the shelves" and the case that they are in is HUGE. I will check my COSC when i get home though just to make sure.