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Old 10-22-2009, 12:23 PM   #72
Posts: n/a
Default Re: Just Got Laid Off


Well, last night I had a couple of drinks (thank you Richard ) and a couple of smokes to clear my head. This morning I went a got a job at a rail yard for half what I was making and twice the hours. But it has insurance and it's a pay check so it's a start. Actually, it's a job just like I had 25 years ago when I got into the intermodal business. So, I'm starting over sorta speak. The boss is also ok with me continuing to look for a better paying job! Told me to do what's best for my family no hard feelings.
I'm thankful for having a job and will make the best of it.

I want to thank each and everyone of you for your support in this thread, PM's, BB messages, email and phone calls. No way to explain to folks what is done here. Truly a wonderful group of people. Thank you for everything.
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