Originally Posted by fyrftr
Guess I'll have to dry box em for a day or two from now on. Thanx kgoings! Need to learn patience!
You can throw them in your humi for a bit and they should settle down. I try to let everything rest for a couple of weeks before smoking, but sometimes I just *have* to try one ROTT (right off the truck).
Jeff, I'll have to try the Renaissance and Olde World Reserve. I do know that I like maduro's! My B&M has some maduro factoy 2nds thst I really enjoy. I think they are Nicarog.. nicawr.. nic...aww heck I don't know whay they are!
Tim L.

Speaking of 2nds, if you like the 90s, Cigars International has the Vintage Factory 2nds. They come unbanded in bundles of 15, and they're quite a bit cheaper than the regular Vintages.
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