Originally Posted by tobii3
Please explain where the price gouging is going on??
13 sticks in a box at $13 each - hmm....$169 in my book
And, if you wanna sling mud, newlife, read your email completely.
The sampler is $80 - the TAXES are over $15.
That's not gouging. That's SCHIP and your NC legislation.
I'm gonna guess that you totally MISSED the comment about the PREORDER status or the COTMC members??
I never stated there was price gouging.... I just stated the terms of the email.
But since that can of worms was opened, I'll fish.
Yes, I think price gouging does occur at that shop on the taxes end. I recently bought an $84 box of cigars (24 in box) at the shop in Wilson Col Kurtz mentioned and with tax it was $91....that's $7 in taxes. In the email 6 cigars ($80) is $95 after taxes. That is $15 in taxes, which is BS. Retail on those 6 cigars they are selling for $80 is $68. Keep in mind these 2 shops are in the same state and are about 1 hour apart. BTW, Hal quoted me a price of $150 + tax for the same box that Col Kurtz picked up for me from Wilson. That is basically 2x the price...so yes they do gouge. I haven't gone crazy like Col Kurtz and written them off, but I certainly don't buy much there....which is a shame because they have a helluva selection.