Alright, so I'm late chiming in this week.
I've got to admit I grow fonder of Tara each week. Gemma's still my hero, but Tara might make an alright MC Princess before it's all said and done. I was really proud of them for not turning over Opi's kids to that **** chick. Not that I have anything against ****stars per se, but you don't just let any person take anyone's kids without talking to that person first. I like how the episode ended with Gemma and Tara standing alone in the parking lot. It's kinda how it's coming down. Keeping secrets, taking care of the "abandoned" children... I have a feeling the girls are going to play a big part in the upcoming power struggle.
I was so excited when that ATF agent showed up again. I freaking hate her!!! Can't even remember her name. She goes by "crazy b!+ch" in my head. Playing dirty, trying to turn people against each other, and just generally stirring the pot. She reminds me of this girl I knew in HS. Come to think of it, that girl got her nose broke too.

Can't stand her, but she brings that spark to the powder keg.
Finally got to see some hardcore fireworks from Jax and Clay. And while there's a part of me that's all "About freaking time!", there's this other piece that wonders "why then?". Clay didn't know they were getting out. Why would he risk throwing gasoline on Jax's fire before sending him into a room alone with that sneaky good for nothing pot stirring slag?? Something's off/up/going on there. Just not sure what.
OK, one more thing and then I'll shut the hell up. Does anyone else think Opi has lost his freaking mind?! I mean I understand he needed the drugs to set up the tranny, but is robbing a drug dealer at gunpoint at the **** studio which is supposed to be their legitimate cover the best option?!?!? I think he may have hit his head too hard when he ran into the back of that car last week. Not that he hasn't got cause, but that guy is headed for a breakdown of nuclear proportions.
Ok, I lied. One more thing: THANK YOU, TRISTAN!!!!