Originally Posted by Emjaysmash
I was born in 1989...man your OLD! 

Yeah, I am old and feel it.
50 hurts every morning as I awake. Hurst more as they day progresses.
Moral? Don't beat up on your body when young. It does come back to haunt you!!!
By the way, I was 29 at the time I quit.
Use to do up to two packs a day.
Started as a teenager to be cool like all the other idiots like me.
Tried to quit many times over. Went a day short of a year once on a bet with a friend. Won the bet as told him it looked like I was going to make it for sure. Shook hands that bet was off to spare him owing me the $100. As I was done shaking hands, lit the cigarette in front of him.