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Old 10-19-2009, 09:45 AM   #122
Col. Kurtz
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Default Re: Pete Johnson goes Vampire!

Originally Posted by SkinsFanLarry View Post

You could compare this to the guys out there that think CC's are the next best thing since sliced bread....and you know darn good and well they are paying more than that per stick for those CC's and are lucky if 25% of what they buy is legit!

Hey Larry,

I rather enjoy cc's, as you know. I rarely pay more than $8-10 per stick, and it has to have a darned good rep. for that price.

Could you elaborate on the 75% fake figure?

I also enjoy DPG smokes and Padron. Just have had nothing but bad luck from PJ's products (yes I know Pepin makes them). My aversion to his products is my personal experience with bad quality, unfavorable taste (for me) and relatively high price. Thelatest Vamp hype was just "another nail in the coffin" if you will...
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