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Old 10-18-2009, 06:10 PM   #155
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Default Re: Patriots Football - "We're on a mission"

Originally Posted by Blueface View Post
Yeah, they lost.
Would love to see the Patriots play N.O. and then we can compare notes/outcome. Crap happens and it just happened to the Giants today (oh yeah, the Giants, that team with that miracle catch that will haunt N.E. for a while).

Belichick, as much as has roots with the Giants, is an a..hole. He is so lucky a serious injury did not take place today, all at the fun of running up a score. Yeah, I'll say it. He is a prick and loves to humiliate. That is why I cherish that miracle catch so, so much.

Meantime, GO YANKEES!!!
We play them 30NOV so we will see. Not haunted by that catch at all, don't need to cling onto one memory we have to many good ones as Pats fans. Running up the score? That all happened in the first half! These guys are Professionals, they get payed to play. People who call that running up the score are the same ones that tell little kids that every game is a tie.
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