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Old 10-16-2009, 08:48 PM   #2
troy d.
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Default Re: just a little frustrated at my gov.

Originally Posted by troy d. View Post
today was a hard day. i work for civil service at a naval aviation repair center. i work as a jet engine mechanic for the f414 plat form. it is what powers ef-18's. or f-18's. the gov. has cut the military roughly around 30%. this cut was retro active. when the president took office. i worry about the pilots that fly the planes and the people on the ground that they provide air support for. my question for you to ponder is this: how do we sleep at night knowing that our troops are not getting what they need to do their job? you see they can't do the job correctly when they only get 70%.
i know that i should not talk about the gov. but this is not about politics is about how i feel for my military.